Agri-food training for Senegalese youth

Located in the western part of Senegal, the Sine-Saloum region is characterized by a mosaic of mangroves, meandering rivers, and fertile agricultural land. But in a splendid natural setting, many young people are in socio-economic difficulties. Many of them do not have access to quality education and job opportunities are low. The aim of the “from field to fork” project is to provide them with training in the agri-food sector and to contribute to the economic development of the region.
Let's dive into this beautiful program initiated by our NGO LIFE in 2022 and which is already bearing fruit.


Young Senegalese from the Sine-Saloum region

The socio-economic context

Sine-Saloum is mainly a rural region with an economy based on agriculture, fishing and livestock. However, these sectors face several challenges.

- Agricultural productivity is affected by climate variability, soil degradation and land salinization.

- Overexploitation of fishery resources And the environmental changes endanger the livelihoods of fishermen.

- The effects of the dryness And of lack of infrastructure for livestock reduce the incomes of families that depend on them.

The challenges faced by young people in the region

In this context, the situation of young people in Sine-Saloum, their prospects, as in many rural areas of Senegal, is difficult.

- The absence of industrial structures And the poor economic diversification lead to high rates of unemployment and underemployment.

- Les educational infrastructures are often inadequate, and the training available does not always correspond to the needs of the labor market.

- Because of the lack of local opportunities, many young people migrate to big cities like Dakar or abroad in search of better living conditions. This migration can have negative consequences, such as the loss of a young and dynamic workforce in the region.


The objectives of the project “from field to table”

The “from field to fork” project aims to contribute to the reversal of this trend and to participate in the economic development of this region of Senegal. How? Through the training and support for the working life of young people in socio-economic difficulties in a productive and sustainable sector: agri-food — with a focus on the valorization of local products and agro-ecology.

TP cuisine of the 2nd promotion of the training “from field to plate”.


This project, which is being developed over 3 years aims at improving, first of all, the social and economic situation of direct and indirect beneficiaries. The latter are numerous, they are the families of the people helped who depend on their income, but also the communities where they come from. They can quickly count on the dynamization of local productive sectors and on the positive effects of raising awareness on the protection and enhancement of their natural and human heritage.

“From field to table” aims to supporting the region's agri-food sector, by disseminating the principles of agroecology and food sovereignty throughout the value chain. It thus reinforces its economic and environmental sustainability. This creates ideal conditions for the development of the activities of the people being helped.

TP soil preparation and vegetable cultivation from the formation “from field to fork”.


The content of the training offered to young people

The training is based on the competency-based approach and lasts ten months. Apprentices are oriented on the basis of their abilities and follow a post-training integration process to reach a minimum objective of 90% of young people who are economically active and autonomous.

Some of the young learners are directed towards the creation of family agro-ecological micro-enterprises, while another group is inserted in agri-food processing activities and/or in the catering industry. The project plans to provide support in facilities and tools to supported people who are starting self-employment.

TP in bakery-pastry training “from field to plate”.
TP processing of fruits and vegetables from the training “from field to plate”.


The various local partners of our NGO LIFE

To guarantee the success of the operation, our NGO LIFE is surrounded by partners well established in the country who know its specificities perfectly. They have been working for years with the population of the region, understanding their needs and how they operate.

- Tourism for Help is a non-profit association, whose aim is to promote responsible tourism and food sovereignty, contributing to economic development in disadvantaged regions.

- The Keur Yakaar training center and hotel-restaurant

It was founded in 2014 in order to offer a chance to young Senegalese who would like to access the world of work through vocational training, but who are excluded from the school system for various reasons. Since its creation, it has supported more than 300 beneficiaries and has an average post-training employment rate of 83%. Over the years, he has built a vast network of partners, including more than 70 tourist structures that welcome interns and collaborate with him for recruitment.

In 2019, Keur Yakaar has inaugurated a second headquarters in Djilor Didiak, where its Agroecology and Agri-Food Processing sector is set up.

The “from field to plate” project is being developed there and learners benefit from a whole range of possibilities.

For example, 23 local organic producers organize the annual Organic Market there with the Center, which allows young people to sell their products. They also take advantage of its hotel-restaurant, La Source aux Lamantins, which is already frequented by regular customers. This serves as a starting point for generating income through the practical activities of the project.

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Sale of processed products from the production of the training center “from field to fork”.
Sale of vegetables from the production of the training center “from field to plate”.


The different stages of the launch of the project

Infrastructure development work

The technical rooms and equipment of the Keur Yakaar Center, located in the “La Source aux Manantins” structure in Dnilor-Didiak, will be made available to the project. To strengthen the infrastructure, laboratories have been improved to ensure better lighting and temperature control. Educational plots have been created within the walls of the Center for practical modules in agroecology. The installation of an efficient water supply and crop protection system on part of the land currently unused at La Source aux Manantins was also necessary. And to ensure comprehensive training in agroecology, the team considered it essential to raise broiler chickens responsibly. Before the work on the chicken coop was completed, 200 chicks were purchased in Mbour in order to start the activity at the same time as the start of the course on poultry farming. This allowed young people to combine theory and practice at the same time.

In the chicken coop at the training center “from field to fork”.


The selection of people helped

90 young people (30 per year over 3 years) between 18 and 29 are chosen from the municipalities and villages included in the rural area between Joal, Fatick, Foundiougne, Palmarin.

They are out of school and unemployed, or working in agriculture, but without reaching an adequate income for their autonomy. The organization does not establish official gender quotas, however female candidates are encouraged from target communities.
In order not to forget anyone, the teams went to meet the village chiefs to talk to them about the project so that they could communicate with young people in their community.

Recruitment test, 2023


Courses and the definition of personal and professional projects

From the start of the courses, which started in November 2022, the learners presented their project ideas. As the objective is to support young people in settling in after training, it is essential to help them formulate and develop them. It also makes it possible to reorient those whose projects seem too ambitious or unfeasible in the short term.

Sale of various preparations made from the production of the Training Center


A major concern in the Serère region is access to land. The project therefore identifies young people who have family land, but who may encounter difficulties accessing it due to family restrictions. In these cases, the teams discuss with the families in order to establish a memorandum of understanding guaranteeing the grant of a plot to the young person. This will allow him to carry out his activity without land law problems. This protocol will be signed by the family, the Keur Yakaar center, and the local community.


News about micro-businesses

Thierno Lô

Engaged in sheep farming. He bought 3 small sheep that he will raise and then sell them after a year to increase the number of lambs and participate in the replenishment of the support fund. His project is developed at home and is supported financially by his father.

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Thierno Lô and his first sheep

Ndeye Bineta Faye

She produces custom birthday cakes, cakes, croissants that she will sell in her neighborhood. The host site for his project is his house, and his guarantor is his father.

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Ndeye Bineta Faye and a trainer from the Keur Yakaar center

Binta Ndione

Started the production and sale of broilers and eventually laying hens. She starts with a batch of 100 chicks and will gradually invest to increase her production. The chicken coop and the store are located in his house.


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Binta Ndione in her chicken coop


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