legal notices
Owner: LIFE
Owner's address: 1 Stockholm street β 75008 PARIS
Owner's phone number: 0184212010
SIRET: 51447004600046
Responsible for the publication: LIFE Communication Director β
Webmaster: FunnelLab
LIFE offers you the opportunity to correspond with its services, in compliance with the Marianne standard. This interministerial charter aims to guarantee the quality of the welcome and promotes values such as courtesy, accessibility, speed, clarity of responses but also a spirit of listening, rigor and transparency.
To help you in your exchanges and find the right contact person:
General questions, inquiries, or additional information : LIFE β
Operation of the site, technical difficulties, display or download problems, remarks and suggestions : LIFE NGO β
The policy of the site is in accordance with law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for confidence in the digital economy.
Site hosting: Cloudways β Junction Business Centre, 1st Floor Sqaq Lourdes, St Julians STJ3334, Malta
Use of the site implies full acceptance of the general conditions of use described below. These conditions of use may be modified or supplemented at any time, users of the site are therefore invited to consult them regularly.
This site is normally accessible to users at any time. An interruption due to technical maintenance may however be decided by LIFE, which will then endeavor to communicate to users in advance the dates and times of the intervention.
The site is updated regularly by LIFE. In the same way, the legal notices can be modified at any time: they are nevertheless mandatory for the user who is invited to refer to them as often as possible in order to take note of them.
Since the publication of Ordinance No. 2005-650 of 6 June 2005 on freedom of access to administrative documents and the reuse of public information, this information can be reused for purposes other than those for which it was produced, and in particular information that is the subject of public dissemination. These documents intended for public distribution are not covered by any copyright and can therefore be reproduced freely. The graphics, iconography and editorial content remain the property of the State and, as such, are subject to the protections provided by the Intellectual Property Code.
Article L.122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code establishes the principle that, βonce the work has been disclosed, the author may not prohibit the dissemination, even in full, by the press or television, for current information, of speeches addressed to the public delivered in political assemblies, as well as in public political meetings and official ceremoniesβ. This is therefore the case in particular for public speeches and interventions that are similar to an exception to copyright. Likewise, public or official documents such as official press releases are not covered by any copyright, and can therefore be reproduced freely. If the partial or complete reproduction of these contents is authorized, it must be accompanied by the mention of the name of the author, the source, and possibly a link to the original document online on the site. The mention βΒ© LIFE ONG ββ should therefore be indicated.
All other content on the site is covered by copyright. Any reproduction is therefore subject to the agreement of the author under article L.122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code. The information reproduced must only be reproduced for personal, associative or professional purposes, any dissemination or use for commercial or advertising purposes being prohibited.
Request for authorization to reproduce content
The request must specify the content in question as well as the publication or site on which it will appear. Once this authorization has been obtained, the reproduction of content must comply with the following principles:
- Free distribution
- Mandatory mention
- Respect for the integrity of the reproduced documents (no modification or alteration of any kind)
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