Le Télégramme talks about LIFE ONG

On the night of Friday 8 to Saturday 9 September, a violent earthquake ravaged the Marrakech region in Morocco. More than 3,000 people lost their lives according to the initial toll, while thousands more were injured. This tragic event was felt in multiple locations across the country, causing panic among residents.

Faced with this tragedy, our NGO quickly responded to the call for help by launching an emergency operation to help the victims.

Le Télégramme, one of the main sources of information in France, paid particular attention to our NGO and to our intervention in Morocco. The newspaper highlighted our commitment to the affected populations, in particular by highlighting our rapid response, in less than 24 hours after the earthquake.

The media described our mobilization to respond to the call for immediate help following the earthquake. Our NGO distributed food, blankets, drinking water and hygiene products. These actions have greatly contributed to meeting the immediate needs of families and to giving them comfort.

The Telegram article also highlighted the challenges ahead, in particular related to the difficult climatic conditions with the coming winter but also to the reconstruction of affected areas.

Our NGO will continue to play a crucial role in repairing the damage and in restoring hope in these affected communities.

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