RFI talks about LIFE ONG

RFI talks about our NGO LIFE, which participated in the event “Le grand Tour Solidaire de France” on March 28, 2024 in Paris.

This initiative, organized for the second year in a row, is provided by several charities, including Muslim Hands, Hmarket and our NGO LIFE. It aims to distribute food during the month of Ramadan to all people in need, regardless of religion. The article highlights the joint efforts of all volunteers, but also draws attention to the food insecurity that is affecting more and more people.

The distribution of food packages and hot meals took place in various locations in and around Paris. The project, initiated by Hmarket the previous year, quickly evolved into a collaboration between several organizations in order to maximize its impact.

The need for food aid in France is increasing, with alarming statistics on the number of people living below the poverty line. This situation has prompted international organizations such as our NGO LIFE to expand their charitable activities also in France, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and inflation.

distribution de repas à Paris, personnes dans le besoin, lutte contre la faim par l'ONG LIFE
Food distribution, ONG LIFE, Paris

The diversity of people affected by poverty is obvious. Some are not immediately identifiable as being in need. This highlights the importance of fighting stereotypes.

The commitment of volunteers, new and old, testifies to the growing solidarity within French society. People from all walks of life have come together to help, showing that charity and empathy transcend social barriers.

The impact of the “Grand Tour Solidaire de France” goes beyond the simple distribution of food. It is an event that brings the community together and raises awareness about the reality of hidden poverty. It also encourages thinking about how everyone can contribute to making a difference in the lives of others, even through small acts of generosity and compassion.




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