LIGHT TV talks about LIFE ONG
LIGHT TV, a Senegalese television, highlights the distribution of essential foodstuffs by our NGO LIFE in the town of Djida Thiaroye Kao.
As part of the “1 euro = 1 meal” 2024 campaign, we distributed 500 food kits for vulnerable populations in this town. This operation allows families to have a good month of Ramadan. Indeed, this year, for the first time, we are distributing Ndogou in collaboration with the Sope Serigne Fallo association. Ndogou refers to the meal to break the fast in Wolof (the equivalent of ftour in Arabic).
The report also highlights the importance of our NGO's local partners in the world. They are a great help in making the various distributions while we coordinate the actions.
Our NGO LIFE is present in more than ten countries in Africa and 25 around the world.

Since its creation in 2013, the initiative “1 euro = 1 meal” has been a major catalyst in the fight against hunger around the world. Indeed, it has made it possible to provide millions of meals, making a tangible change in the lives of many people. Each year, our NGO LIFE, deploys its efforts with determination for a symbolic month. Our dedicated teams work tirelessly to inspire the enthusiasm of our generous donors. In 2023, thanks to their generous contributions, more than 8 million meals were distributed in just 30 days. This year, our goal is to distribute 10 million meals!