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Fun Radio talks about LIFE ONG
Fun Radio and LIFE ONG: making a difference in Niger
During a special edition of Fun Radio, President Tarek of the NGO LIFE was invited to discuss their recent well drilling project in Niger. Fun radio has in fact offered 2500 euros to the organization to finance the project.
The need for drinking water in Niger
Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world. According to UNICEF, more than half of households do not have access to clean water. Moreover, almost a third do not have access to basic sanitation services. Without clean water, people are more likely to suffer from waterborne illnesses. Indeed, diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid can all be fatal if left untreated.
LIFE ONG made the difference with Fun Radio your title here
The NGO LIFE is working to solve this problem by providing wells in Niger, wherever the needs are felt. These wells provide drinking water that is free of bacteria and other contaminants that could make people sick. In addition, thanks to the donation from Fun Radio, the NGO LIFE was able to build a well that will provide drinking water to an entire village for years to come.By donating funds for a well drilling project, Fun Radio has contributed to making a real difference in the lives of many people living in Niger who do not have access to clean water - a fundamental human right that most of us take for granted every day! Thanks also to Fun Radio for putting the spotlight on the NGO with this radio exchange.The drilling was carried out in a village in Niger.Discover below the PASSAGES of LIFE ONG in the program:
It's the most beautiful gesture we made on the show. Fun Radio