Banking interest in Islam
Do you have a savings account or a bank account?
In accordance with Muslim tradition, the money they generate, bank interests, are assimilated to usury or Riba. They are haram, forbidden in Islam, because they are considered to be unfair and inequitable gains obtained by exploiting time and money. It is good to be free of it!
How do you use money that you don't want to keep?
Soon the start of the new year is coming. Banks will send you your bank interest statements. It is time to act, to make choices. Your banking interests can be used ethically! They can transform lives!

Bank interests
The Koran offers an alternative to the accumulation of forbidden bank interests. It encourages them to be donated to works of good and charity. Unfairly acquired funds thus become a beneficial force at the service of those who need them. This gesture follows in every way the ethical and moral principles that guide the lives of Muslims. It promotes the fundamental values of justice, equity, compassion and solidarity with those most in need. It is a great way to put Islamic ethical teachings into practice in the financial field.
Ce geste, qui suit les principes éthiques et moraux guidant la vie des musulmans, promeut les valeurs fondamentales de justice, d'équité, de compassion et de solidarité envers ceux qui en ont le plus besoin 🧡.
“God annihilates usury (ribâ) and increases (yurbî) alms” (2:277)

Islam emphasizes individual and collective social responsibility. You are helping to build a more just society where compassion becomes a reality.

The concept of justice is central to Islam. Your banking interests help restore social balance by supporting those in need around the world.

Zakat Al Maal is an annual charitable tax imposed by Islam. It aims to redistribute wealth and to help the most disadvantaged. Redirecting money from your interests to humanitarian works is part of this perspective of sharing and supporting the community.est un impôt annuel charitable imposé par l’Islam. Elle vise à redistribuer les richesses et à aider ceux qui en ont besoin. Reverser vos intérêts à des œuvres humanitaires s’inscrit dans cette idée de partage et de soutien à la communauté.

You are helping to cultivate kindness and generosity in the Muslim community. This gesture strengthens social ties and promotes mutual support.
Why entrust your banking interests to LIFE?
Your interest-based money is a valuable humanitarian opportunity. They will provide concrete help to thousands of vulnerable people, in France and around the world.
I am paying my interest
Pourquoi choisir LIFE plutôt qu'une autre association humanitaire ?
We are a trusted NGO that takes care of putting your donations to good use every year in a serious and transparent way. Every euro donated has a positive impact!
Nous mettons à profit vos dons de manière sérieuse et transparente.
Chaque euro donné a un impact positif !
We are committed to being the right relay of your generosity to those who need it most in all the countries where we operate. Since 2009, we have been working tirelessly to build them a daily life and a better future.
By entrusting your banking interests to us, you are actively participating in changing their lives through diverse, but complementary, economic, social and educational development projects, as well as environmental ones.
Ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence.
Transformez vos intérêts bancaires en une source de bienfait humanitaire avec LIFE.
Our expertise
Educating, caring, protecting: your banking interests in action!
Fight against poverty, access to drinking water, improvement of sanitary conditions, education, reforestation, emergency intervention, etc. The money in your interests become the driving force behind our concrete actions. They allow us to increase our abilities. Thanks to you, we operate in more than 25 countries, but mainly in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Our projects and operations are organized around 4 essential pillars all centered on the development of the well-being of the populations concerned:

Participate in our vital mission: transforming lives through water! Together, let's break the cycle of thirst and water-borne diseases.

food 🍚
Refugees, displaced persons or simply people in need: offer meals and comfort to the hungry for as little as €1.
Planting trees is important, but planting sustainable trees is essential! Discover the reforestation solution made in LIFE.

and education 📚
Offer a bright future to a child by offering access to education! Sponsor his schooling and help him achieve all its potential.
Donate today
Redistributing your banking interests to charities goes far beyond a simple financial transaction. It is an act of generosity and social justice, it is an opportunity to leave a positive imprint in the world. Your money becomes a transformative force, a way to support the most vulnerable.générosité et de justice sociale, c’est une opportunité de laisser une empreinte positive dans le monde.
Votre argent devient une force transformatrice, un moyen de soutenir les plus vulnérables.
Together, we can change lives and build a brighter future for all.