Sponsor a village and

Transform lives at 360°

Become the heroes of tomorrow by guaranteeing food, health, educational and environmental security for all. Be one of the major actors of change and leave your positive mark on the world!

our world is in trouble...

2 billion

of people (i.e. 26% of the population) are deprived of access to drinking water. (Report on the development of water resources published by UNESCO in 2023)

3.6 billion

of people (46%) do not have access to a safely managed sanitation system. (Report on the development of water resources published by UNESCO in 2023)


people are in a situation of catastrophic food insecurity and were at risk of starvation. (GRFC Global Report on Food Crises - 2024)

135 million

of people experiencing acute food insecurity, almost half of the total number of people in the world. (GRFC Global Report on Food Crises - 2024)

160 million

of children, or 1 in 10 children, work and are thus deprived of their childhood, education and fundamental human rights. (UNICEF)

250 million

of children and young people not attending school according to figures from (UNESCO - September 2023)

32 million

of people displaced by climate disasters, the highest figure in the last 10 years. (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre IDMC annual report on internal displacement, May 2023)

560 per year

the number of medium and large-scale natural disasters by 2030, i.e. 1.5 disasters per day on average (UN-2022)

Let's act together to 360

Why choose an action when you can act on all aspects?

Contribute to several actions simultaneously (access to water, food aid, education and environment) to promote concrete and sustainable local projects.

Nothing is inevitable, as long as we continue to mobilize, all together!

Let's be the change we want to see in the world

- Gandhi
A school canteen
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A school canteen which complements the one put in place by the Government, thus allowing children to study full stomachs and to have all the energy they need to concentrate and learn.

A market gardening project
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A market gardening project within the school, which will generate income for the women in the parents' association and contribute to the supply of the school canteen.

A solar borehole
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A solar borehole to guarantee a supply of drinking water. The rate of waterborne diseases will be able to decrease and crops will be irrigated.

Installing solar panels
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The installation of 10 solar panels on the borehole which make it possible to provide water for daily use despite regular power cuts.

Tent coating
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The development ofpavement of roads with gravel, sidewalks, replacement of tarpaulins on damaged tents, and The raising of a fence to improve living conditions and security.

projects financed thanks to you

Discover some examples of projects carried out thanks to you in order to promote the autonomy of communities and improve their living conditionspromote the autonomy of communities and improve their living conditions

A school canteen
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A school canteen which complements the one put in place by the Government, thus allowing children to study full stomachs and to have all the energy they need to concentrate and learn.

A market gardening project
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A market gardening project within the school, which will generate income for the women in the parents' association and contribute to the supply of the school canteen.

A solar borehole
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A solar borehole to guarantee a supply of drinking water. The rate of waterborne diseases will be able to decrease and crops will be irrigated.

Installing solar panels
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The installation of 10 solar panels on the borehole which make it possible to provide water for daily use despite regular power cuts.

Tent coating
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The development ofpavement of roads with gravel, sidewalks, replacement of tarpaulins on damaged tents, and The raising of a fence to improve living conditions and security.

Discover the project 360

More than ever we allow you to become everyday heroes.

Thanks to your commitment, we have been able to go to the field for more than 15 years to help all those in need to no longer suffer the injustices of our world.

In the 4 corners of the planet, every day we do your donations: concrete and sustainable actions in favor of women, children and men in need through several fields of action. So we participate in strengthen their autonomy to design a better future.


Our operational teams are constantly crisscrossing the globe to act immediately In order to supporting and valuing communities in difficulties.
This goes through carefully studied actions to meet specific needs. Our 360° project allows GThanks to your donations to create a virtuous circle which aims to put an end to their difficulties and promote their autonomy.


They are testifying!

- Sayda

A magnificent organization that carries out a lot of actions in various fields.
In addition, they publish photos as and when the actions you participated in are published to show you the progress.
You really need to help this type of organization... they do a magnificent job and a little kindness in this bully world won't hurt anyone


LIFE ONG is just one of the best charities I know. It offers a wide range of donation themes, thanks in particular to these personalized fundraisers. I would also like to highlight the high quality of the “after donation service”: they are responsive, understanding and extremely conscientious. In other words, at the slightest problem they are ready to do their best to help you. Congratulations to you. I recommend this organization without hesitation

- Mohamed

Hello, it is with great pleasure that I see everything that you have been able to undertake and achieve with your hands, your assistance and especially your kind heart. I am immensely proud to have been able to make my small contribution to this edifice and to know that all these populations are a little happier and I wish them all the happiness in the world to them and to you as well.

Ready to change lives?

✨ Lifechanger
Help from
*€3.75 (after tax deduction)
What your donation allows:
  • Portable water For 2 families
  • 1 school kit To send 1 child to school
  • 1 school canteen meal For 5 children
  • Planter 7 trees
💫 Ambassador
Help from
*€12.50 (after tax deduction)
What your donation allows:
  • Drinking water for 8 families
  • 4 school kits To send 4 children to school
  • 1 school canteen meal For 20 children
  • Offer 1 full meal To 8 families
  • Offer 1 latrine For 2 families
  • Planter 24 trees


Your gift
Your donation arrives at LIFE ONG
We call on local partners and we buy equipment on site.
Assess the needs of the most vulnerable populations
Action plan
An action plan and a budget are established
The project
We are setting up the development project
We ensure that the project allows the autonomy of the populations that is sustainable over time

For 15 years Life It is

+ 14M
Of people helped
+ 180,000K
+ 3000
funded projects

Our places of intervention

Ivory Coast

360 is a project that acts urgently when vital needs are threatened.

Our 360° projects are implemented in numerous countries. They can start in emergency situations As during conflicts Or of catastrophes natural. We then help people to rebuild while allowing them toanticipate a new disaster And of reduce negative impacts.

our history


It all starts with 3 friends...

In August 2009, the creation file was submitted and accepted: LIFE was born. Quickly, a dozen volunteers came to lend a hand


First helpers

LIFE supports people in need in Ile-de-France by organizing food parcel distributions every month


Birth of the 99 project

Following a trip to Cameroon, the founders decided to launch Project 99 to provide access to water and education to 33 beneficiary villages, with an original idea: 1 project = 1 donor


Launch of projects

LIFE is hard at work to build the 99 projects financed by 99 Donors. LIFE supports some donors in the field so that they see their project come out of the ground.


Launch of the 2nd Project 99!

The 33 villages are now equipped but LIFE decides not to stop there, and to continue the project in 5 new countries in sub-Saharan Africa.


First food aid campaign

Faced with the great distress of the populations visited, LIFE is organizing its first 1€=1 Meal campaign during the Ramadan period. LIFE is becoming more professional and employees are joining the team


The NGO at the service of all

LIFE decides to become a fully-fledged NGO by helping the most disadvantaged regardless of their origin or religion. Cultural and school projects are stopped to focus on water and sanitation projects


The environment: a new priority

LIFE, which had then focused on water projects and emergency aid, is now developing environmental projects through the planting of trees in Asia.


Influencers are on board

The 1€=1 Meal campaign appeals to influencers and personalities such as Mokobe, Samia Orosemane or even BodyTime who decide to participate in parcel deliveries in the field.


100,000 supporters

LIFE ONG can now count on the support of 100,000 donors in France and abroad. It is also an opportunity for the founder of LIFE to leave his place, after 10 years of working tirelessly, to a loyal fan from the beginning: Rabah Bounaira


Opening of the Dakar office

A regional office is opened in Senegal in order to manage projects more closely in the countries of intervention in Africa.


Institutional strengthening

LIFE gets closer to NGO institutions and networks and becomes a member of PS-Eau, the Butterfly Effect, FONGIM...

They talk about it better than we do

Feedback from our donors
- Idris

Thank you very much for this feedback, these touching and at the same time happy images are emotionally very strong. Al Hamdoulillah! Barakallahofikom you for your seriousness and your regular communication throughout this project, may Allah reward you.

- Camera

I am very happy to see the smiles of the children and to be able to help thank you. Very happy that there are people like you, that Almighty God protects them and you when I can I will give more.

- Nadia

Good luck to you and may God accompany you in your investment with those who have nothing, may God be with them in this world of misery.

Our #lifechangers

+ 100,000

Personalities also engage with LIFE in the media and in the field.

Personality supporting the NGO Life
Personality supporting the NGO Life
Samia Orosemane
Actress and comedian
Personality supporting the NGO Life
Mehdi Debbrah
Personality supporting the NGO Life
Said Amzil
Personality supporting the NGO Life
Fouad Ezbiri
Sports coach
Personality supporting the NGO Life
Content creator
Personality supporting the NGO Life
Adèle Exarchopoulos
Personality supporting the NGO Life
Personality supporting the NGO Life
Gaston Lastes
Personality supporting the NGO Life
Kader Bueno
Personality supporting the NGO Life
Personality supporting the NGO Life
Content creator
Personality supporting the NGO Life
Body Time
Fitness YouTuber
Personality supporting the NGO Life
Aïcha Mounir
Content creator
Personality supporting the NGO Life
Aouatefe Lahmani
Personality supporting the NGO Life
Maff Derulo

Frequently asked questions

How are my donations used in the 360° projects of the NGO LIFE?

All donations received are directly invested in our projects in the field. Your contribution can help drill a well, build a school canteen, or finance the development of training programs (agroforestry, nurseries, infrastructure maintenance, etc.). Each donation is used transparently and effectively to maximize the impact on beneficiary communities.

How does LIFE decide on the distribution of funds?

The distribution of funds is based on a careful assessment of local needs (health, education, environment, food security, access to drinking water, etc.). We work closely with communities to identify their priorities and direct resources to actions that will have the greatest impact.

Can I choose the specific project I want to support?

Donors contribute to a common fund rather than to specific projects. This allows us to direct resources to where they are most needed, based on the current needs of communities. The projects are carried out in several different villages.

How can I track the impact of my donation?

We believe in transparency and accountability. Once your donation is made, you will receive regular updates from our association on the development of the projects you support. We provide detailed reports and recipient stories so you can see the direct impact of your contribution.

How much of my donation is actually used for projects in the field?

We are committed to using the majority of your donations directly for projects on the ground. A small portion is reserved for the administrative costs necessary to ensure effective and transparent management of funds. We publish detailed financial reports to ensure transparency and the trust of our donors.

How are the local communities benefiting from the projects selected?

We conduct a thorough assessment of needs in different countries and regions, in collaboration with local authorities and partner organizations. Communities are selected based on criteria such as limited access to basic resources, development potential, and the commitment of residents to actively participate in projects. Their commitment is essential to the success of the project.

What is the average duration of 360° projects?

The duration of projects varies from a few months to a few years, but the follow-up to see what happens to each achievement develops over several years. Some projects, such as drilling wells, can be completed in a few months. Training programs and the creation of vegetable gardens are long-term projects. But all require continuous monitoring over several years.

What do you put in place to encourage the sustainability of projects once completed?

We actively involve local communities in all phases of our LIFE association projects, from planning to implementation and ongoing management. We also offer training to ensure that residents can maintain and develop infrastructure over the long term, maximizing the sustainability of initiatives.

What are the main challenges encountered in the process of empowering local communities?

Some of the main challenges faced in the process of empowering local communities include lack of financial resources, cultural and social barriers, as well as resistance to change. For every humanitarian project, it is essential to work closely with local communities to overcome these challenges and foster a real lasting impact.

How can members of local communities be actively involved in the empowerment process?

Members of local communities can be actively involved in the empowerment process by participating in decision-making, contributing to the implementation of projects, sharing their knowledge and experiences, and organizing themselves to collectively defend their interests and needs.

Can I participate in LIFE NGO field projects?

Absolutely! We welcome donors and volunteers who want to see our 360° projects up close and contribute directly. Volunteer programs are available and we look forward to welcoming you for a rewarding experience in the field.

What do you do in the event of an emergency or natural disaster in the countries where you operate?

In an emergency, we quickly reallocate resources to meet the immediate needs of affected communities. We also have emergency plans in place to ensure a quick and effective response, thus minimizing negative impacts on ongoing projects.

Let's act together

LIFE is committed to working alongside you to create a better future for all communities